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Fetterfly Arts was born in response to a season of debilitating chronic illness and chronic pain. The Studio officially began business early 2017, bringing mixed media artwork to the awesome people of Minneapolis, MN, and has expanded nationwide ever since. Moving forward, Amanda (owner) wants to challenge her own excuses and encourage others to do the same.

"There's something powerful about not having any other option except forward. I could not do traditional work after brain injury in 2017; that pressure created for me the motivation to 'do the art-thing, already'. Much of my art now features squiggly, squirmy lines because my hand shakes due to illness and injury. I started leaving the shaky lines uncorrected, and this 'style' turned into something expressive and glorious. What's it like? Drink waaay too much caffeine and try to draw a straight line... You're welcome."

Her whimsical and quirky drawings feature themes of personal empowerment, mental health advocacy, adorable creatures, and anything else that makes her feel like a badass.

Amanda is currently making authentic art in a nomadic lifestyle since 2021; she is currently farm-hopping in Kentucky, USA.

Libraries, tea shops, and farms with lots of animals are her favorite office spaces.

Amanda R. Jants

mixed media artist

chronic illness advocate

whimsical badass


fet-ter n. 1 a shackle or chain for the feet

2 any check or restraint

--vt. to bind with fetters or restrain

EST.2017 © Amanda R. Jants, Fetterfly Art Studio

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